It ain’t any easier being green, especially at enterprise scale

Since the pandemic began wreaking havoc on the global economy, sustainability and concerns over global climate change have understandably taken a back seat. I mean if humanity gets wiped out by some virus, presumably over time the planet will recover... In the meantime, how do we align the still very real needs for addressing climate … Continue reading It ain’t any easier being green, especially at enterprise scale

Why haven’t there been more green building lawsuits? (Hint: Mandatory Arbitration)

Stuart Kaplow is still, in my humble opinion, one of the true thought leaders on the topic of green building legal issues. A recent post of his at Green Building Law Update sets out to answer the question of why there is so little litigation in green building. In essence, Kaplow opines that the reason … Continue reading Why haven’t there been more green building lawsuits? (Hint: Mandatory Arbitration)

Lloyd Alter on some of the difficult tradeoffs inherent in green building

Once again, some thought provoking writing from longtime sustainable architect and Treehugger columnist Lloyd Alter: The best way to have our buildings use less energy is to insulate them really well. But for a long time, I have also been writing about the problems of insulating with plastic foam, even writing that Polystyrene insulation doesn't … Continue reading Lloyd Alter on some of the difficult tradeoffs inherent in green building

Tesla will not be alone in the solar PV roofing tile market

Apple's success as a company under Steve Jobs' leadership was rarely about being first to market. Rather, Apple's most successful products so far (Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch) were challengers in existing product categories (personal computing, MP3 players, smartphones, tablets, wearables). Apple's entry into established categories was disruptive and ultimately successful due to superior … Continue reading Tesla will not be alone in the solar PV roofing tile market

What happens when actual performance varies greatly from the energy model’s predictions?

Britain has a problem. Chances are, the problem that Britain is facing also affects many jurisdictions in the US. What is this problem? Energy modeling — the process of using sophisticated software to predict future building performance — isn't as accurate as some industry professionals would like to believe. In other words, the supposed energy … Continue reading What happens when actual performance varies greatly from the energy model’s predictions?